Sunday, July 3, 2011

Article about homeless family in Seattle

I will be traveling most of July, but before I go just wanted to bring to your attention an article about a single mom in Seattle - it is written by Mark Horvath, Founder of

I spent the day with a homeless family here in Seattle, yet it felt like spending the day with a normal family. The big difference was at the end of the day Carey and her daughter Maggy drove their van to a park to sleep for the night.

I first met Carey Fuller through I post she wrote on, "What It's Like To Be A Homeless Mother". She blogged anonymously so I had to beg the editor to connect us. From that point on, I have been so very impressed by Carey. I have done everything I can to help her and will continue to do so.

Yesterday, I met Carey and her daughter at a yard sale they were holding. On weekends she tries to make a little money by selling either old stuff she had in storage or new stuff she finds. Carey is very resourceful. When she needed money to repair the van they live in, she published a Kindle version of a book she wrote on, Writings From The Driver's Side.

Carey wants to start chronicling homeless life on video. I was bringing her cameras, but they were stolen at my first stop when my car was broken into. I am all about empowering homeless people so that did not stop me. I just took Carey to Best Buy and let her pick out a camera that would fit her needs.
If you live in the Pacific Northwest and can help please contact me or Carey directly. Let's get this family the support they need. Let's get this family into housing.

The rest  + video is here....


  1. Another interesting article:

  2. thanks, Sol!
    i put it up above, with an active link..
